K9s to Furkids, Ltd., is a rescue, rehabilitation, and service dog training center in north-central West Virginia. Though we only became "official" in July 2017, our President/Director/Behaviorist has been rescuing, rehabbing, and training service dogs for far longer... dare I say over thirty years now.
We rescue, rehab, and train dogs, typically German Shepherd Dogs & Golden Retrievers, who need to find their purpose in this world. We use behaviorism and years of experience to see if they have what it takes to become service dogs. If so, then we move forward in our training program with those families on our waiting list for SDs. If not, then they are placed with one of our pre-screened families waiting to adopt one of our dogs. At that point, we have already put a lot of work into the dogs, so anyone would be more than willing to open their home up for a pre-trained pooch!
The families we help are those who have trouble getting placement from a traditional service dog agency. For instance, anyone who needs a dog who is under the age of 14, lacks the age-appropriate cognitive ability, or is unable to independently command and handle a Service Dog, may instantly be out of the running for one of the agency dogs. The average wait time on their waiting lists can range from one to fifteen long years. Our Director relies on a service dog herself, and a wait of this length is unimaginable. Costs can also be painfully prohibitive. These conditions leave out a great number of those who would benefit the most from the assistance of a Service Dog.
German Shepherd Dogs make excellent Service Dogs. We understand that many people get this breed without knowing what it takes to raise a high-drive puppy. Sadly, owners quickly learn that if GSDs aren't given attention, structure, and consistency, they can quickly become more than many people can handle. Then they end up in shelters, animal controls, dumped on the side of the road, tied out, or put in a tiny kennel and forgotten.
Our behaviorist has proven her mettle with animal control officers in her local by rehabilitating cases that were believed to be lost causes. We believe animal control centers, Humane Societies, and various rescues are untapped resources for what we are building. When a rescue dog comes in, even one that may be considered a "lost cause," we want agencies to reach out to us, and we want to take steps to help that dog reach their full potential.
German Shepherd Dogs need a job, and what better job could there be than improving the life of an individual with a life-altering disability?
*Golden Retrievers & mixed breeds are becoming more frequent in our program.
Our Team
Francie was raised in a pack of German Shepherd Dogs. Her experience with rehabbing and training dogs of all shapes and sizes goes back thirty years. She has trained and placed service dogs for years, and finally, in July 2017, all became "official," as K9s to Furkids was born!
Assistant Director
Matt is Francie's right-hand man! He is there with her day in and day out to help with the little (but ultimately SO important) things that go into running a rescue and training center. Matt sits on the Board of Directors at K9s to Furkids.
Secretary & Trainer
Janice met Francie in Charleston, WV, at a medical marijuana rally. There was a mutual interest in finding a seizure alert dog for Janice's daughter, and a beautiful friendship was born. Janice currently has a service dog in training provided through Francie before the official titles. Janice volunteers as secretary for K9s to Furkids, sits on the Board of Directors, and has finished her training as a certified dog trainer. **Woo Hoo**
Francie's Service Dog &
Unruly K9 Corrector
Segen passed away on Easter Sunday, 2023. He was the BEST!
Segen is Francie's personal, self-trained service dog and doggy soul mate. He is a very important part of our rehabilitation team. As a stable pack member, he speaks to other dogs in a language they can understand. Francie relies on Segen to help establish pack structure, correct unwanted behavior, and provide guidance to troubled dogs, all while still being her seizure alert and assistance dog!
Ultimate Cool Dude/Mr. Unshakeable
Geist started our program as a stray who ended up at the shelter after quite the walk on the wildside. He was obviously sweet-natured and had potential. No one guessed, though, just how important his role in our organization would be. He is absolutely easygoing. He is all dog. He takes even the most high-strung, neurotic pups and puts them at their ease. His gifts are such that our director and behaviorist made him a permanent member of her own pack! He is now a key player in the rehabilitation process of some of our toughest cases. He loves to randomly "Woo-woo" to those he likes! ;)
Hap E Ness:
The Golden Nuisance
Hap E Ness was donated as a puppy by a breeder. Talk about a brilliant boy! He kept an entire pack of German Shepherds and, our Behaviorist, Francie on her toes. His training was going fantastically when out of nowhere he was struck with sudden blindness.
Francie and Matt went to Ohio State University to get a diagnosis. They were stumped. It ended up being Dr. Linner at Audubon and Francie herself who figured out it was an autoimmune disorder. He was put on oral steroids & eye drops... slowly his vision returned. Thank God!
Poor Hap wouldn't be able to go onto anyone else with such serious health & impending behavioral issues! The side effects of the steroids cause a MULTITUDE of behavioral issues to arise. But, who better to deal with them than the woman who loves him to death? ((Somedays the emphasis may be more on the TO DEATH part of that sentence.))
Jokes aside, Hap is a special boy of which we all adore!! His antics make us laugh, his intelligence amazes us, & he loves Francie more than words can describe... but not as much as food. <3
K9s to Furkids also rely heavily on good samaritans, benefactors, sponsors, and volunteers for our day-to-day operations. We are always looking for well-qualified foster families to help with the training and socialization of our service dogs in training. Just like everyone else, we require money to operate, and we rely completely on donations and money from our own pockets to meet expenses.
Please, let us know how you want to be part of our team!
We are ALWAYS seeking foster homes for our dogs in training!!